22 de ago. de 2016

Just another day, Just another ending

Away from home
Well, the truth is
He didn't feel he had one anymore
The boy sat in a bench under the rain
No other choice there
No place would ever accept him

Chewing on a piece of bread
That he got out of pity
From another person who didn't really care
He tried to keep his body warm
Lying to himself again
His only way of enduring another day

He was tired, after traveling far
After giving up so many times
And seeing no other choice other than walk
So he chose a few songs to sing
As if there was any song he ever loved
That wouldn't hurt him, make him remember
Hoping maybe someone would listen
It wouldn't be that hard to notice, right?
How painful was the scream he was hiding
Hoping that the rain would stop
Or at least, that he wouldn't get sick
And again, have to endure all by himself

By the time morning came
Cruel and uninvited,
As the usual promises of hope
The boy was still awoke
He had a good reason to
Either cold or hunger actually

The rain was over
Yet, as he waited for his clothes to dry
He could feel that his body couldn't take it anymore
And he would soon go on his way
Or the closest to that
That a lost person can get

He gathered his belongings
That is to say, what was still left
From all the time he gave himself away
And got up when he was ready
When he though he could
Without his legs failing him again

It was just another day
Just another ending
That he was too hopeful to take

Lucas Rangel Lima

19 de jun. de 2016

Still in Pain

They say I am coping
With what, they don't know
They have their guesses
And as always, nothing but assumptions
My guess? Well,

I guess it's my fault

My fault for hiding, for fleeing
For not explaining what I can't understand
It's my fault for laughing, for being a friend
While hoping for something to change

They think I am taking too long
Even though they say they don't understand
They have their worries
Am I one of them?
I don't know

But it sure doesn't look so

Otherwise, I wouldn't have to hide this much
To flee from any possible harm, lose my trust
Pretend to smile, when no one is there for me
When I always have to get up on my own

If I scream, they don't know what to do
So I try not to scare them anymore
If I cry, they soon pretend nothing happened
So I try to pretend I don't mind too

I dry the tears,
They ask "What happened?"
I don't know. I am just hurting.
An hour later, it's all okay
In their eyes
They think I am coping
That it's just taking too long
I don't know
I am still hurting

I don't want to use anyone,
So I don't ask anything
Maybe I am afraid
For maybe they are there cause I look strong
Cause I seem to be trustworthy or something
I just accept any favor, lend my shoulder
So my love will be noticed in my silence

So my screams would be heard
My tears would not be ignored
When I needed
I don't know
I am still in pain

Lucas Rangel Lima

28 de mai. de 2016

The King's Conclusion

And once again,
The king was reminded
That the happiest man
In his enormous castle
Wasn't the wise wizard
Nor the praised warrior
But the foolish pierrot
Who danced,
At his own heart's tune

While he may have all the fortune
And all his wishes at his hands
The foolish pierrot had his love
And as the simpleton he was
He held satisfaction at that

He would watch the smiles
And feel glad for bringing them to be
He would trip and fall countless times
And as the foolish pierrot he was
He would just mend his wraps
Smiling dazzling to the croud

That's why the king loved him
That's why he hated him
That's why all envied and mocked the fool
Who could just be in love
Get hurt, cry in pain
And fall again, as if nothing mattered
Just to see those smiles

It took the king time and time again
And as he concluded, he knew regret would come
For noticing what really mattered wasn't easy
To realize he couldn't give his kingdom
For that simple life
That simple way of loving
Was realizing that no gold, no power
Could bring to his heart a change
Could make him happier than the foolish

For that foolish pierrot
Knew no fear, no pain
Or at least, would soon forget about them
Would soon be up and out again
Loving, laughing, hurting and insisting
As no king,
No wizard,
No warrior
Would dare have the courage

To ever try to imitate

Lucas Rangel Lima

30 de abr. de 2016

Another Cherished Lesson

I guess
There will never be someone
That will never hurt you
I guess there will never be a life
That you won't regret
And there will never be a love
That won't need to learn

I guess that's fair too
It's not as if we could help it
Hurting other people
It's not like all of our choices
Could have a better ending
And after all, love
Shouldn't be for ourselves right?

So, I guess a dinner would be nice
As the friends we should be
Sharing a bed a few times
Or glass of wine, a cup of tea
Be yours for a while
But not for me

I guess
Starting over is all right
No matter how you see
Not doing things different,
Just how they should be
Not expecting, just forgiving
What the other could not see

Loving thy neighbor
As you should love yourself
For maybe our own shortcomings
Were the cause of this lonely hell

I guess
I was wrong. I was weak.
I was all I blamed you for hurting
I was a blind man, and will still be
With or without a friend, I am sorry.

So, I guess at this point
We could talk, as in the past we did
We could forgive, or at least let it go
We could go deeper, or just leave it
Maybe just be memories to each other
And learn another lesson.

Another cherished lesson...

Lucas Rangel Lima

25 de abr. de 2016

O Cofre

O minuto vira
E o sol
Num só movimento
Sobe e desce
Traz o dia e deixa a noite
Onde escorre a lagrima
Num travesseiro
Num quarto escuro
Num momento
Tao permanente
Quanto todo o passado

Sem um violão
Encostado no canto do quarto
Ele faz a musica
Calar dentro do peito
Ele cobre de mentiras
O vazio
E se lembra
É só outro dia
Ou o mesmo dia
Nada muda
Ninguém muda
Ele não aprende
Ele não entende

O mes acaba
O dinheiro
Os amigos, a risada
As cordas, as conversas
 A solidão continua
 Faz o olho arder
 O corpo tremer
 Cansar, adoecer
 Adorna a alma
 Para ninguém
 Por razão nenhuma

Como uma piada

Ele tranca o cofre
Que já tem mais memorias
Do que as que ele mesmo lembra
Ele perde outra razão para viver o amanhã
Se não o dia em que finalmente
Vai poder sumir
Ele dorme mais uma hora
Em que deveria estar sonhando
Ele se traí de olhos fechandos
Espiando o interior
Piscando devagar
Sem deixar nada transbordar

Lucas Rangel Lima

26 de mar. de 2016








Lucas Rangel Lima

16 de mar. de 2016

Shouting the Heart

That night,
He threw away his pain
And filled the empty shell left
With wild screams of longing
Cries of pleasure and ecstasy
Shouts filled with meaningless satisfaction

He shout it out loud
As if that feeling would last forever
As if he was made to love in that way
Licking the whiskey up, spilling from his lips

As if what he got from every kiss
Was his reason to live

That night,
He left himself fade away
Carried in the smoke of a cigar
He burned for a second
Like ash and whiskey
Like a feeling, like a song of love

Until the night was trough
Until the vibrations gave away
Until no kiss had any meaning once again
He let his shell be filled

In a loud melody,
Shouting everything in his heart

Lucas Rangel Lima

9 de mar. de 2016










Translation: Song of a Lie that Waited for the Dawn

In those closed eyes
I wonder, who was reflected for the last time?
What was sough for in the past?

And, while he couldn't sleep
Inside his painless dreams
Why couldn't he find any peace even now?

In that heart that turned cold
I wonder, who had touched it for the last time?
What warmth did it had in the past?

Maybe it was gentler now
Too hurt, too tired, after giving up
After being made so as to forgive anything

Well, he already knew
In those eyes where only fear was left
Of course peace couldn't be found
In that heart that was only denied
Carrying someone to even hate
Was impossible

His dreams had no deepness or weight
They were just the tears of a lonely man
Like the love he was supposed to carry
Everything was just lip-service gentleness

To that boy
Everything that was inside of him
Were just lies waiting for the dawn to come
Fated to melt away with the light, nothing but lies
Waiting for that moment
While supporting him

And then, in that moment,
Waiting for the chance to turn into the truth
They were just lies

Lucas Rangel Lima

8 de mar. de 2016









Translation: Moonless Night Sky

As always he was,
After an eventless day,
Unable to sleep

He wasn't sick, but
His soul looked like it could be dead
He looked just fine, but
Inside he felt so painful, so lonely

As a moonless night sky

A deep, endless darkness
Engulfing all light,
Even the storm clouds and the stars
Couldn't fill the emptiness of that sky

But even with no moon
He liked the night sky
Even by himself
He thought it was beautiful

No matter the coldness, the darkness
He still believed
He knew

Even with no moon
In that night sky
The sun would surely come

Lucas Rangel Lima

24 de fev. de 2016

Sound and Heart

If a song is felt
Wordlessly, clumsily
Accidentally or even unwillingly
Could it save a dying heart?
Could it spark a flame of warmth?
Could it inspire a new hope, another light?

If a hug is shared
With no heat, no beat
No proximity, just a wish
Could it move a frozen body?
Could it break a wall of fear?
Could it bring a hidden smile, forgotten laugh?

Maybe no musician could answer
No singer, no player
Maybe no lover would know
No friend, no companion
But they would still sing
They would still try to reach

Maybe no heart could be saved
No fire could be lit
No hope or light could be born
Maybe nobody would be moved
No fear would be fought
No smile or laugh would be given

If sincerity couldn't do it
Wordlessly, clumsily
Accidentally or even unwillingly
What could save a dying heart?
What could spark a flame of warmth?
What could inspire a new hope, another light?

If true caring wouldn't do it
With no heat, no beat
No proximity, just the wish
What would move a frozen body?
What would break a wall of fear?
What would bring a hidden smile, forgotten laugh?

What could make us go forward?
What would give us a reason?

Lucas Rangel Lima

15 de jan. de 2016

As I Used To

How many times
Have I looked up to the sky
From the top of the cliff
Knowing that I should just jump
That I could just fly and be free

And yet, I stood there
Tied to the ground
Of what?
I am not sure
Neither of why

How long has it been
Since the last time I fell?
Since the first time I failed?
Since the fear got so big
So as to make me forget

I know I can fly
I always could
I used to do so
I used to smile
I used to run
I just can't remember

How many times
Have I listened to these songs
With my saxophone in hand
Knowing I could just feel them through me
That I could just play and melt away

And yet, I bit my lips
Frozen without breath

The same circle
The same doubts

The same answers

I had forgotten the wind
Ignored the force that could lift me up to the clouds
I had lost my courage
Minded small and foolish details and chances

And without knowing right from wrong
I stagnated
I stopped

Lucas Rangel Lima