30 de abr. de 2016

Another Cherished Lesson

I guess
There will never be someone
That will never hurt you
I guess there will never be a life
That you won't regret
And there will never be a love
That won't need to learn

I guess that's fair too
It's not as if we could help it
Hurting other people
It's not like all of our choices
Could have a better ending
And after all, love
Shouldn't be for ourselves right?

So, I guess a dinner would be nice
As the friends we should be
Sharing a bed a few times
Or glass of wine, a cup of tea
Be yours for a while
But not for me

I guess
Starting over is all right
No matter how you see
Not doing things different,
Just how they should be
Not expecting, just forgiving
What the other could not see

Loving thy neighbor
As you should love yourself
For maybe our own shortcomings
Were the cause of this lonely hell

I guess
I was wrong. I was weak.
I was all I blamed you for hurting
I was a blind man, and will still be
With or without a friend, I am sorry.

So, I guess at this point
We could talk, as in the past we did
We could forgive, or at least let it go
We could go deeper, or just leave it
Maybe just be memories to each other
And learn another lesson.

Another cherished lesson...

Lucas Rangel Lima

25 de abr. de 2016

O Cofre

O minuto vira
E o sol
Num só movimento
Sobe e desce
Traz o dia e deixa a noite
Onde escorre a lagrima
Num travesseiro
Num quarto escuro
Num momento
Tao permanente
Quanto todo o passado

Sem um violão
Encostado no canto do quarto
Ele faz a musica
Calar dentro do peito
Ele cobre de mentiras
O vazio
E se lembra
É só outro dia
Ou o mesmo dia
Nada muda
Ninguém muda
Ele não aprende
Ele não entende

O mes acaba
O dinheiro
Os amigos, a risada
As cordas, as conversas
 A solidão continua
 Faz o olho arder
 O corpo tremer
 Cansar, adoecer
 Adorna a alma
 Para ninguém
 Por razão nenhuma

Como uma piada

Ele tranca o cofre
Que já tem mais memorias
Do que as que ele mesmo lembra
Ele perde outra razão para viver o amanhã
Se não o dia em que finalmente
Vai poder sumir
Ele dorme mais uma hora
Em que deveria estar sonhando
Ele se traí de olhos fechandos
Espiando o interior
Piscando devagar
Sem deixar nada transbordar

Lucas Rangel Lima