12 de set. de 2013

The Tickets

Today I found those tickets
Hidden inside my wallet
Kept safe, always with me
So as to never forget
What I once felt

I took them out then
And felt them with my hands
While remembering your voice
You hair, our face, your smile
Your shyness and your laugh
I looked at them

As if they were someone else's

It was as if I was watching another´s life
An old movie inside my head
Something familiar, yet so distant
That it didn´t matter anymore

The person in that movie
Who loved your hair
Who loved your face
Who loved your smile
Who loved your shyness
Who loved your laugh
Who would look at those tickets
Remember you
And feel sorrow
Was no more

So yeah
I took them out then
Out of my wallet
Crushed them with my hands
And threw them away

Just like garbage.

Lucas Rangel Lima

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